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Monday, April 27, 2009

What was the name of that Eagle?

This is a picture of an Eagle at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. It was taken sometime in November 2008... Why am I bringing all that to your attention you might ask...
Well, this week my cousin asked me to help her son with a school project about different typs of animals. One of his choices is an Eagle- however he needs to know the exact name- not just "eagle"... and when I finally get around to scrapbooking this handsome fellow (or pretty lady, lol) I'd like some details as well. When I was taking the picture I was so captivated and interested in the presentation I thought I'd never forget --- well I had NO CLUE about this or many of the other pictures I took that day... So this week at 1 Creative Bug we are going to explore the wonderful world of journaling- and making scrapbooking easier by taking NOTES!
Todays Journaling tip: Carry a small notebook with you - put it in your camera case/bag and every time you take a picture, take 2 seconds to jot down the info. It took me about 45 minutes of searching to find out this is an African Fish Eagle - and I was unable to determine if it is a he or a she, and the exact date we attended the park is still a mystery... perhaps my memory will return in 6 months when I get to this section of my "to scrapbook" pictures!

1 comment:

  1. i take a pic of the title or the signs that go with the photo that i'm taking :)


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